Arina Lubiteleva

While Arina Lubiteleva doesn’t have a medical condition that affects her body functions, it appears that she has embraced her flaws by proudly showing her large ears for the world to see. The young Ukrainian model has even garnered nearly 79,000 followers on Instagram, where she inspires many young women who possess unique physical features to be proud of their physical beauty.

Like many self-conscious people might be inclined to do, Lubiteleva has no interest in hiding her ears behind her hair. In fact, she does the opposite. In both her photoshoots and the pictures she posts on social media, she makes sure her ears can be seen to encourage others to accept their imperfections. Some of us may have big eyes, big noses, or big ears, but it doesn’t make us any less beautiful. Credits to the young model, she has inspired many with her message.
