Khoudia Diop

The modeling world has had its share of extraordinary models that can be considered princesses in their own right. There is only one, however, who is given credit for being the Melanin Goddess, and that is Khoudia Diop. It was self-proclaimed, yes, but she found it fitting because she wanted to assert her own niche in the rather competitive world of modeling. She is also proud of the dark color of her skin and is not about to whitewash it, pun intended.

If you are wondering why she has such dark skin, it is because she has too much melanin. This actually has benefits, as having less of these in the skin makes people prone to some types of diseases caused by UV rays. So apart from being unique, Diop also has a protective layer against the dangers of the sun. She is also very proud of her color, and so she moved from Paris to New York to continue modeling.
