Alanis Morissette

Alanis Morissette launched Jagged Little Pill in June 1995, and the world was instantly captivated by her grunge ballads. If you’ve ever listened to one of her songs, you know she’s no stranger to heartbreak and, of course, to translate those sentiments into universal song lyrics. When she separated from her then-fiancé Ryan Reynolds in 2007, she had plenty of material to work with. They met at the birthday gathering of mutual friend Drew Barrymore. They got engaged in 2004 but didn’t choose a wedding date right away. Following the separation, Morissette took some time away from the spotlight to recuperate and work on new music investments.

Despite this, Morissette declared herself an optimist who believed in true love. And she wasn’t entirely wrong in doing so: Morisette married MC Souleye (born Mario Treadway) in 2010. The pair are now living happily together with their three children.
