Is That a Bikini?



Guess no one can possibly say that this man isn’t wearing underwear, because he does, always. Okay, you’re right, that’s not an underwear, that’s ink. We don’t know what came to this man’s mind and decided to have his waist inked like this, but it sure is hilarious. Can we also appreciate his arm tattoo, which looks like a girl, probably his daughter, but we really can’t tell for sure.

When it comes to tattoos, one can choose the design and the size they like. However, before getting one, there are some things that one should consider. First, is the meaning of the ink. Some choose the name of their loved ones, bible verses, and even inspirational quotes. Second, the cost. If you have enough credits, go ahead. Lastly, you should not get one if your thinking is “I can have it removed for later.”

