Rosie O’Donnell is a comedy actress who became famous for her performance in the 1984 TV show Star Search. Her popularity earned her a personal series called The Rosie O’Donnell Show, which aired from 1996 to 2002. In 2004, she married former Nickelodeon executive Kelli Carpenter, with whom she shared four children— that includes Chelsea Bеllе O’Dоnnеll, who a full-grown young woman. It was known that Rosie and Chelsea do not have a good mother-daughter relationship and partly due to Rosie’s struggle with major mental health issues. We really do hope they’ll make amends soon.

On a more serious note, if one of them is willing to swallow their pride, it automatically becomes a much lesser problem and an easier matter to resolve. When love and compassion become investments in family relationships, this issue can be fixed in no time. No situation is hard enough to deserve being left unresolved forever.
