Nahla Aubrey – Halle Berry’s Daughter

Halle Berry is an American actress. In 2000, she starred in the hero film X-Men. In 2002, she won the Oscar for Best Actress for her outstanding performance in the film Monster’s Ball. In 2005, Berry fell in love with model Gabriel Aubry. In September 2007, Berry announced that she was pregnant with Gabriel Aubry. In 2008, their daughter Nahla ariela Aubry was borned.

While it’s difficult to stay low-key when your mom is a world-renowned actress, Nahla Aubrey has kept it cool for a while now. Nahla was born on March 16, 2008, to parents Halley Berry and Gabriel Aubrey. Would you believe that at 11 years old, she has grown tall and has reached her mom’s chin-level already? Well, we give the credit to her dad who was a former model, and to whom Nahla got her tall height from. Unfortunately, Nahla’s parents broke up in 2010 and got shared custody of her. Nahla is now known to be active in helping the less fortunate.
