Jonathan Haze was unintentionally discovered while working at a gas station by Wyott Ordung. Ordung was directing his 1954 film Monster from the Ocean Floor and hired Haze to play a background character on the film. The film’s producer, Roger Corman, was undeniably impressed by Haze. They later became a dynamic duo and found themselves working together in the next ten years with films like Apache Woman, Gunslinger, and The Oklahoma Woman, to name a few.

At the start of the 1960s, Haze began to work behind-the-scenes of the industry. He wrote the script for Star Creature and worked in the production of The Premature Burial and Medium Cool. Haze made use of his experiences and founded his own commercial production company. His streak of successful commercials and campaigns for reputable brands like Kool-Aid and United Airlines made the company prosperous.
