Wyatt Russell is the son of the legendary Hollywood couple Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. His parents are iconic and are an inspiration when it comes to celebrity love standing the test of time and living the relationship based solely on what they believe. Wyatt is a former hockey player up until one incident that changed his life. We might call it a blessing in disguise since he is now on the same path with his family in acting.

Credits to his father, Kurt, he has one of the best role models of all time to look up to as a kid. Not all of us have Kurt Russell for a dad. However, people can still idolize him in whatever way they want. Clearly, one of the things Kurt is famous for is his love for his muse, his partner in life, and the love of his life. He is setting the standards for his son on how a woman should be treated and how a woman would want to be loved.
