Lucille Ball is popular for being a TV icon and a legend in comedy. She has moved on to the next life in 1989, but she left a legacy behind. When she married Desi Arnaz back in 1940, their marriage lasted for two decades, and the couple had two kids in the process. Desi Arnaz, Jr., their son, was a father at the age of 15, and this baby was named Julia Howe, who grew up without her father around.

In 2018, she posed about wanting to have met Ball, especially during her pregnancy. All grown up, Julia already has a daughter named Desiree Anzalone, who has a striking resemblance with her great-grandmother. She was also named after Ball’s middle name. The two never met, but according to sources, the degree of inspiration that she drew from Ball was very strong. She was a photographer based in Connecticut.
