Jonah Hill started his weight loss journey as early as 2011. However, he only resumed his diet once again in 2017. At the time, he worked very hard to lose the 40 pounds he gained after doing War Dogs in 2015 by hiring a nutritionist and trainer. He even got advice from his lean and hunky friend, Channing Tatum.
Jonah is now 36 years old. But just last year, he started learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, training four to five times a week. He has been training in a studio with good flooring, so get over the stuff that made him feel weak and insecure when he was a teenager.


To show that he really lost weight, Alec Baldwin dropped his pants on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Fans proved that he indeed put off the extra pounds. So what did he do? the 62-year-old star gives credits to juices. He revealed that he only drinks juice in the morning, and he never eats breakfast.
Alec explained that he wanted to lose weight because he was pre-diabetic. He didn’t want to use insulin, so he only takes green juices, cashew milk, and trying his best to cut sugar off from his diet. He is also into intermittent fasting. His wife, Hilaria Baldwin, revealed that she’d know if her husband is already hungry if he’s angry.


Rosie O’Donnell has been struggling with weight issues much of her life. The View co-host wanted to make a change to see all her children and foster kids grow up. So, she was willing to go under the knife to be able to do that. She sought the help of Dr. Amit Trivedi of Advanced Laparoscopic Associates. With enough money loans and courage, she underwent surgery in 2013.
After two years, she successfully lost 50 pounds. The operation changed Rosie’s life. She now has a different relationship with food. Now, her body is no longer telling her brain that she’s hungry and not even thinking of food anymore.


John Goodman used to weigh a whopping 400 pounds. Thankfully, he now lost a quarter of that bodyweight. How did he do it? Simple, he stopped eating. The 67-year-old actor revealed that he used to have a handful of food, and it would go directly to his mouth. He was eating non-stop like it was an alcoholic habit.
Back when he was still overweight, it would take him three months to lose 60 to 70 pounds. After that, he would reward himself with a six-pack of beer. Now that he’s doing more exercise, he’s doing things slowly. He is now managing his weight, like how he follows a good money management system.


Credits to her nutritionist, Tyra Banks managed to lose 30 pounds. The 46-year-old star revealed that she now feels physically better after losing the extra pounds. So what inspired her to lose weight? His son!
Tyra explained that having a son later in life made her want to run around and chase him without feeling the spasms of being overweight. So, her nutritionist created a food program that would meet her specific needs that would not affect her emotional estate. As Tyra loves cheats snacks and meals, she says that it’s okay to indulge in moderation and never deprive yourself.


If there’s one Hollywood star who can be called the master transformation, it is Christian Bale. The 46-year-old actor has played different characters and transformed his body and looks to give justice to his roles. He can be skinny to very thick if his movie asks for it.
One of this most controversial weight loss was when he did The Machinist in 2004. Here, he lost 60 pounds in just four months by sticking to a diet that only consumed water, apple, and one of coffee a day. At the time, he only weighs 120 pounds, and Christian wanted to lose more. However, the film producers didn’t let him as it might affect his health. With this kind of project, the film companies surely give him insurance to make sure his health is well taken care of.


Oprah Winfrey takes care of her health by following a healthy diet that she will never get tired of. How? The media mogul follows a well-balanced diet that only has 1,700 calories per day. It is composed of 20 percent protein, 30 percent healthy fat, and 50 percent carbohydrates, which she gets from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
She also gets 1,100 mg of calcium from yogurt and soymilk. Oprah also makes sure that she eats fresh foods to maintain her sodium level within the recommended amount and fiber that averages 34 grams per day. If you want to check out this kind of diet, you can ask your doctor or get familiarized by searching for any available online classes.


Kirstie Alley has the most relatable diet among celebrities. She never denies that she struggles to lose the weight, experiencing the ups and downs of shedding off those pesky extra pounds. When she used Jenny Graig, she managed to lose 75 pounds, but she gained some of it back and lost it once again when she joined Dancing with the Stars.
When she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, she once again gained her weight back. Kirstie’s battle against weight gain continues, and it looks like she has no plans to give up. She is not afraid to max out her credit card and buy all the food that will keep her healthy and thin, as she feels more energetic when she’s lightweight.


When Shonda Rhimes lost 150 pounds, she gave credit to herself but not to people’s reaction about it. Sadly, she realized that people only found someone valuable when she looked pleasing in the eye. In a newsletter she sent to Shondaland subscribers, she admitted that she was never happy to the attention she got after she shed off a lot of weight.
Shonda pointed out that a person’s size was often linked to their value–a sad truth that she experienced. Anyhow, she’s happy with her weight loss and misses eating all the fried chicken that she used to do.


As a record executive and a man who loves to make investments, Kevin Liles likens his diet to his profession. As a busy man like him, he always gets busy lunch schedules. But despite his hectic timetable, he still makes sure that he will get a power lunch. How?
Kevin admitted that he is a creature of habit in a lot of ways. He loves to go to the same places all the time, explaining it helps him big time to be familiar with things. It also aids his stuff to know him even more. They know what he wants to eat, which only fit his dietary needs. He is not eating fried foods, carbs, and sugar. He only consumes lots of protein and vegetables. Aside from keeping him healthy, it also saves time to tell people what he wants.
