George Takei & Brad Altman

27 years of an ongoing relationship, Star Trek actor George Takei finally married Brad Altman who also acts and writes in 2008. Takei spends much of his time advocating for LGBT rights. The 27-year relationship finally paid off as the two are finally happily married.

In the 1980s, the actor joined a gay club named the Frontrunners, and he was struck by Brad, whom he recalls as “dashingly good-looking.” George made the first move and later asked his future husband to train with him for a marathon since he was the fastest athlete in the group. Not long after, they were doing 10K runs together. Their friendship flourished into romance, and they became a couple in 1985. It was only in 2005 that George came out as gay to the public and introduced Brad to his fans. After calling lawyers, the two exchanged vows in 2008 at the California Supreme Court, where same-sex marriage is legal.
