Jeri Ryan has starred in several films and played a number of roles, such as in Boston Public, Body of Proof, and Bosch, but she is best associated with her work as Borg drone, seven of nine in 1997, Star Trek. When the showrunners called her back to play the same character in Star Trek: Picard, fans were beyond ecstatic. Behind the cameras, cast members can’t help but gush about Ryan’s ageless beauty. When asked what her secret is, she gave an incredible answer.

The 53-years-old actress is a former beauty queen. That is why when the press asked why she doesn’t seem to age; she naturally gave a pageant-worthy answer. Ryan answered sensibly by saying that she was a different woman than before, referring to the degree of her maturity gained through experience. She exercises regularly and keeps a healthy diet despite having a famous chef as a husband.
