When the world welcomed professional wrestler Ronda Rousey’s fame, they also embraced the beauty and charm that come with her powerful kicks and punches. At first, many fans were not impressed when she came out with the heavy makeup she had to put on when she joined WWE. Many believed that she did not need to put on such an amount of makeup, and a bare face will justify her beauty.

With that, Ronda, or nicknamed Rowdy, came out in 2019 with a fresher look, igniting more love from wrestling fans worldwide. Ronda is not only beautiful. She is also strong and confident with her talent, defeating long-time dream opponent Sasha Banks in WWE. Ronda wedded her boyfriend in Hawaii in 2017 and showed off her minimal makeup look and has never looked so beautiful since. At 33, there are still so many investment opportunities that are just waiting for her.
