Known for her role in Xena the Warrior Princess, Lucy Lawless made her mark in the ‘90s. After her action-packed role, she was given various projects relating to action and mystery with Spartacus and My Life is Murder. With over $18 million in her net worth, Lucy is bound to welcome aging and pursue investment plans with a fat bank account.
However, she chooses to spend most of her time helping people.

Lucy has been active in various endeavors relating to charitable work and activism. The Kiwi actress has been involved in advocacy for child health care and is a Greenpeace ambassador since 2009. Although she was arrested due to her activism involvement, Lucy said that she would do it again to serve as a role model for many. In one interview, she said that it is her responsibility to her children and not only to herself to be a good person no matter what. Lucy truly lived up to her warrior princess role which catapulted her career to stardom—indeed, she is a beautiful and empowered woman who is a hero to many.
