Sissy Spacek has been in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years, making her debut in the 1973 film Badlands. With movies and television shows here and there, she bagged a number of recognitions such as an Academy Award, three Golden Globe Awards, two Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and many others that gave credits to her good acting skills.
She is also known for her ethereal beauty with distinct features of translucent and infinitely freckled skin that is still evidently present even if she is now 70 years old.

However, a glitzy Hollywood life is not just what Sissy longs for. Today, she lives on their family ranch in Virginia. Since she had her children, she decided to live in an idyllic that is reminiscent of her childhood. She has embraced motherhood completely and manages to maintain her physical appearance but still nods to some projects which have storylines that appeal to her.
