Barbara Eden is famous for playing the genie in the TV sitcom I Dream of Jeannie, which aired from 1965 to 1970. During her lengthy career, Barbara managed to look young and beautiful. Wonder what her secret is? Well, according to her, everything must be done in moderation. She encourages people not to limit themselves and to make sure not to overdo anything. Barbara hasn’t changed the way she eats ever since. She just burns the calories by working out in the gym.

Her workout routine involves lifting weights and walking—which gives her more gas at her age. However, Barbara started with spinning exercises. She said it hurt her knees so she stopped it, but she loved it. Another remarkable attribute that she has is shiny skin, and over the years, she kept it clean by using Cetaphil. At the age of 89, Barbara is still stunningly beautiful and healthy. She definitely aged gracefully!
